2024 (peer-reviewed & in alphabetical order)
Rutkowski TM, Komendzinski T, Otake-Matsuura M. Mild Cognitive Impairment Prediction and Cognitive Score Regression in the Elderly using EEG Topological Data Analysis and Machine Learning with Awareness Assessed in Affective Reminiscent Paradigm. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience;15:1294139.
Guger C, Allison B, Rutkowski TM, Korostenskaja M, editors. Brain-Computer Interface Research - A State-of-the-Art Summary 11. SpringerBriefs in Electrical and Computer Engineering (BRIEFSELECTRIC). Springer Cham; 2024.
Kasprzak H, Niewinska N, Komendzinski T, Otake-Matsuura M, Rutkowski TM. Olfactory Paradigm for Reactive Brain-Computer Interface: EEG Response Spatial Visualization and Clustering. In: Proceedings of The WCCI 2024 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN). Yokohama, Japan: IEEE; 2024. pp. 1-8. doi: 10.1109/IJCNN60899.2024.10650010 [PDF]
Kasprzak H, Niewinska N, Komendzinski T, Otake-Matsuura M, Rutkowski TM. Improving the Classification of Olfactory Brain-Computer Interface Responses by Combining EEG and EBG Signals. In: 46th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC). Orlando, USA: IEEE Press; 2024. p. 1-4. DOI: 10.1109/EMBC53108.2024.10782826
Kojima S, Shiba R, Morimoto Y, Furukawa K, Kanoh S, Komendzinski T, Otake-Matsuura M, and Rutkowski TM. Spatial Auditory Soundscapes for Developing Digital Neurobiomarkers or Cognitive Interventions in Early-onset Dementia Based on EEG and fNIRS Machine-learning Analysis. In: 46th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC). Orlando, USA: IEEE Press; 2024. p. 1.
Rutkowski TM, Kasprzak H, Niewinska N, Otake-Matsuura M, Komendzinski T. Passive Olfactory Brain-computer Interface Paradigm for Awareness Level Prediction. In: Mueller-Putz GR, Kostoglou K, Oberndorfer ME, Wriessnegger SC, editors. Proceedings of the 9th Graz Brain-Computer Interface Conference 2024. Graz, Austria: Verlag der Technischen Universitaet Graz; 2024. p. 201-6. doi: 10.3217/978-3-99161-014-4-036
2023 (peer-reviewed & in alphabetical order)
Rutkowski TM, Abe MS, Komendzinski T, Sugimoto H, Narebski S, Otake-Matsuura M. Machine Learning Approach for Early Onset Dementia Neurobiomarker Using EEG Network Topology Features. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience;17:262.
Dresp-Langley B, Rutkowski TM, Toma S. Editorial: Methods and applications in: Cognition. Frontiers in Psychology. 2023;14.
Rutkowski TM, Abe MS, Sugimoto H, Otake-Matsuura M. Mild Cognitive Impairment Prediction with Machine Learning and Topological Data Analysis Applied to EEG Time-series in Facial Emotion Oddball Paradigm - Objective Neurobiomarker for Early Onset Dementia Prediction Approach -. In: 2023 45th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine Biology Society (EMBC). Sydney, Australia: IEEE Press; 2023. p. #1196.
Kodama T, Rutkowski TM, Komendzinski T, Ito YM, Otake-Matsuura M. Multi-modal EEG/fNIRS/ET Data Collection and Cloud Storage System Prototype for the Elderly Home-based Dementia Monitoring. In: 2023 45th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine Biology Society (EMBC). Sydney, Australia: IEEE Press; 2023. p. #1647.
Rutkowski TM, Komendzinski T, Otake-Matsura M. Novel EEG Network Neuroscience Features for Dementia and Awareness Level Estimation in Passive BCI Framework. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Brain-Computer Interface Meeting. BCI Society; 2023. p. 3-F63.
Rutkowski TM, Abe MS, Sugimoto H, Komendzin ́ski T, Otake-Matsuura M. Topological Data Analysis Applied to EEG for Objective Early Onset Dementia Neurobiomarker. In: TDA Week 2023. Kyoto, Japan: Kyoto University; 2023. p. P52.
2022 (peer-reviewed & in alphabetical order)
Rutkowski TM, Abe MS, Tokunaga S, Komendzinski T, Otake-Matsuura M. Dementia Digital Neuro-biomarker Study from Theta-band EEG Fluctuation Analysis in Facial and Emotional Identification Short-term Memory Oddball Paradigm. In: 2022 44th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine Biology Society (EMBC). Glasgow, UK: IEEE Press; 2022. p. 4129-32.
Rutkowski TM, Abe MS, Tokunaga S, Sugimoto H, Komendzinski T, Otake-Matsuura M. Passive BCI Oddball Paradigm for Dementia Digital Neuro-biomarker Elucidation from Attended and Inhibited ERPs Utilizing Information Geometry Classification Approaches. In: 2022 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC). IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics. Prag, Czechia: IEEE Press; 2022. p. 2654-2659
Rutkowski TM, Narebski S, Bekier P, Komendzinski T, Sugimoto H, Otake-Matsuura M. Cross-cultural Evaluation of Dementia Passive BCI Neuro-biomarker Candidate. In: Proceedings of the 2022 Joint 12th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 23rd International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems (SCIS & ISIS). IEEE Press; 2022. p. 1-5.
Derezinski K, Tolpa K, Furman L, Rutkowski TM, Duch W. Time-frequency Analysis Combined with Recurrence Quantification for Classification of Onset of Dementia Using Data from the Oddball BCI Paradigm. In: Proceedings of the 2022 Joint 12th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 23rd International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems (SCIS & ISIS). IEEE Press; 2022. p. 1-6.
Otake-Matsuura M, Abe MS, Sekiguchi T, Tokunaga S, Sugimoto H, Rutkowski TM, et al. Cognitive behavioral assistive technology (CBAT) as AI for super aged society. Gerontechnology. 2022;21:1.
2021 (peer-reviewed & in alphabetical order)
Rutkowski TM, Abe MS, Tokunaga S, and Otake-Matsuura M. Dementia prediction in older people through topic-cued spontaneous conversation. medRxiv, 2021. doi: 10.1101/2021.05.18.21257366.
Rutkowski TM. Passive BCI Paradigm to Elucidate Early Dementia Onset. In: The 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC). IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Virtual: IEEE Press; 2021. p. 5403.
Rutkowski TM, Abe MS, Otake-Matsuura M. Neurotechnology and AI Approach for Early Dementia Onset Biomarker from EEG in Emotional Stimulus Evaluation Task. In: The 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC). IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Virtual: IEEE Press; 2021. p. 6682-6685.
Rutkowski TM, Abe MS, Komendzinski T, Otake-Matsuura M. Older Adult Mild Cognitive Impairment Prediction from Multiscale Entropy EEG Patterns in Reminiscent Interior Image Working Memory Paradigm. In: The 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC). IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Virtual: IEEE Press; 2021. p. 6352-6355.
Rutkowski TM, Abe MS, Tokunaga S, Komendzinski T, Otake-Matsuura M. Classifying Mild Cognitive Impairment from EEG Patterns for Dementia Onset Prediction. In: Proceedings of 14th International Neural Coding Workshop. University of Washington, Bothell, USA; 2021. p. abstract #20.
2020 (peer-reviewed & in alphabetical order)
Rutkowski TM, Abe MS, Koculak M, Otake-Matsuura M. Classifying Mild Cognitive Impairment from Behavioral Responses in Emotional Arousal and Valence Evaluation Task - AI Approach for Early Dementia Biomarker in Aging Societies -. In: 42nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC). IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Montreal, Canada: IEEE Press; 2020. p. 5537-5543.
Rutkowski TM, Abe MS, Otake-Matsuura M. EEG and fNIRS Biomarkers of Dementia Prediction and Monitoring. In: The 42nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC). vol. Mini-Symposia: Brain-computer Interfaces for Neuromodulation, Language, Decoding, high-gamma Mapping, and Control. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Montreal, Canada: IEEE Press; 2020. p. 6.
Rutkowski TM, Abe MS, Otake-Matsuura M. Passive BCI for Dementia Onset Detection and Cognitive Intervention Monitoring. In: International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Brain Science 2020. Tokyo, Japan: The University of Tokyo; 2020. p. 47.
2019 (peer-reviewed & in alphabetical order)
Rutkowski TM, Abe MS, Koculak M, Otake-Matsuura M. Cognitive Assessment Estimation from Behavioral Responses in Emotional Faces Evaluation Task - AI Regression Approach for Dementia Onset Prediction in Aging Societies. In: NeurIPS Joint Workshop on AI for Social Good - Track 1 - Producing Good Outcomes. Vancouver, Canada; 2019. p. 1-4. [arXiv copy]
Rutkowski TM. Cognitive Assessment Estimation from Brainwave and Behavioral Responses in Emotional Faces Evaluation Task - AI Regression Approach for Dementia Onset Prediction in Aging Societies. In: Japan-China Science and Technology Forum - Greater Bay Area Summit on AI and Robotics (GBAS2019). Shenzen, China: JST; 2019. p. 137–148.
Rutkowski TM. Multisensory reactive and passive BCIs - applications for robotics, VR/AR and dementia diagnostics. In: The 5th International Conference BCI: Science and Practice - Samara 2019. Samara, Russia; 2019. p. 1.
Rutkowski TM. Machine learning approaches in brain correlates of dementia elucidation - tensor machine learning and beyond, in Second Conference on Discrete Optimization and Machine Learning, RIKEN AIP, A. Deza, S. Pokutta, and T. Maehara, eds., Tokyo, Japan, RIKEN AIP, July 29-31, 2019, p. 12.
Rutkowski TM, Koculak M, Abe MS, Otake-Matsuura M. Brain Correlates of Task–Load and Dementia Elucidation with Tensor Machine Learning Using Oddball BCI Paradigm. In: ICASSP 2019 - 2019 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP); 2019. p. 8578–8582. [arXiv copy]
Rutkowski TM, Zhao Q, Abe MS, Otake-Matsuura M. Passive BCI for Task-load and Dementia Biomarker Elucidation. In: 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC). IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Berlin, Germany: IEEE Press; 2019. p. ThC01.1.
2018 (peer-reviewed & in alphabetical order)
Rutkowski TM, Zhao Q, Abe MS, Otake M. AI Neurotechnology for Aging Societies – Task-load and Dementia EEG Digital Biomarker Development Using Information Geometry Machine Learning Methods. In: AI for Social Good Workshop at the Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS = formerly NIPS) 2018. Montreal, Canada; 2018. p. 1-4. [workshop paper repository link]
Rutkowski TM. From Active Multisensory Brain-computer Interface Applications for Robotics and Artistic AR/VR Environments to Dementia Monitoring in a Passive Mode - A Human Intelligence Augmentation Approach. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium for Sustainability by Engineering at Mie University (IS2EMU2018-C). Mie University, Japan. Mie University Press; 2018. p. 1–2. [J-news]
Rutkowski TM. Multisensory BCIs in applications for robotics, VR/AR, art and dementia monitoring. In: Workshop on Brain-Machine Interface Systems 2018. IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics. Miyazaki, Japan: IEEE Press; 2018. p. 18–19.
2017 (peer reviewed & in alphabetical order)
Aminaka D, Rutkowski TM. A Sixteen-Command and 40 Hz Carrier Frequency Code-Modulated Visual Evoked Potential BCI. In Brain-Computer Interface Research 2017 (pp. 97-104). Springer, Cham. [link]
2016 (peer reviewed & in alphabetical order)
Aminaka D, Shimizu K, Rutkowski TM. Multiuser Spatial cVEP BCI Direct Brain-robot Control. In: Proceedings of the Sixth International Brain-Computer Interface Meeting: BCI Past, Present, and Future. Asilomar Conference Center, Pacific Grove, CA USA: Verlag der Technischen Universitaet Graz; 2016. p. 70. [link]
Chang M, Rutkowski TM. Two-Step Input Spatial Auditory BCI for Japanese Kana Characters. In: Wang R, Pan X, editors. Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics (V): Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Cognitive Neurodynamics - 2015. Singapore: Springer Singapore; 2016. p. 383–389. Available from: [link, arXiv:1503.02903].
Higashi H, Rutkowski T, Tanaka T, Tanaka Y. Multilinear Discriminant Analysis With Subspace Constraints for Single-Trial Classification of Event-Related Potentials. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing. 2016 Oct;10(7):1295–1305. [link]
Higashi H, Rutkowski TM, Tanaka T, Tanaka Y. Smoothing of xDAWN Spatial Filters for Robust Extraction of Event–related Potentials. In: Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association, 2016 Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA ASC 2016). APSIPA. Jeju, Korea: IEEE Press; 2016. p. paper ID: 193.
Kodama T, Shimizu K, Rutkowski TM. Full Body Spatial Tactile BCI for Direct Brain-robot Control. In: Proceedings of the Sixth International Brain-Computer Interface Meeting: BCI Past, Present, and Future. Asilomar Conference Center, Pacific Grove, CA USA: Verlag der Technischen Universitaet Graz; 2016. p. 68. [link]
Kodama T, Shimizu K, Makino S, Rutkowski TM. Full–body Tactile P300–based Brain–computer In- terface Accuracy Refinement. In: BioSMART 2016 – Proceedings of International Conference on Bio- engineering for Smart Technologies. Dubai, UAE: American University in Dubai (AUD); 2016. p. 20–23.
Kodama T, Makino S, Rutkowski TM. Tactile Brain-computer Interface Using Classification of P300 Responses Evoked by Full Body Spatial Vibrotactile Stimuli. In: Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association, 2016 Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA ASC 2016). APSIPA. Jeju, Korea: IEEE Press; 2016. p. paper ID: 176.
Pereira Junior J, Teixeira C, Rutkowski TM. Visual Motion Onset Brain–computer Interface. Preprints 2016, pp. 2016090126 (doi: 10.20944/preprints201609.0126.v1); 2016. Available from: [link].
Rutkowski TM. Automatic Sleep Staging and Apnea Events Classification from EEG and Multimodal Physiological Signals – Synchrosqueezing Transform Processing and Riemannian Geometry Classification Approaches. In: The 4th Annual IIIS Symposium – Poster Session Abstracts. Tsukuba, Japan: University of Tsukuba; 2016. p. 6. Available from: [link].
Rutkowski TM. Data–Driven Multimodal Sleep Apnea Events Detection. Journal of Medical Systems. 2016;40(7):1–7. Available from: link. DOI: 10.1007/s10916-016-0520-7
Rutkowski T. Robotic and Virtual Reality BCIs Using Spatial Tactile and Auditory Oddball Paradigms. Frontiers in Neurorobotics. 2016;10:20. Available from: [link].
Rutkowski TM. New Developments in AI–based Automatic Sleep Staging and Apnea Events Detection Using Information Geometry and Deep Learning. In: The 5th Annual IIIS Symposium and The 32nd Wako Workshop Joint Meeting – Poster Session Abstracts. Tokyo, Japan: University of Tsukuba; 2016. p. 5.
Shimizu K, Kodama T, Makino S, Rutkowski TM. Visual Motion Onset Virtual Reality Brain–computer Interface. In: BioSMART 2016 – Proceedings of International Conference on Bio-engineering for Smart Technologies. Dubai, UAE: American University in Dubai (AUD); 2016. p. 24–27.
Stewart T, Hoshino K, Cichocki A, Rutkowski TM. In: Hirose A, Ozawa S, Doya K, Ikeda K, Lee M, Liu D, editors. Motor Priming as a Brain-Computer Interface. vol. 9948 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer International Publishing; 2016. p. 538–545. Available from: [link].
2015 (peer reviewed & in alphabetical order)
Aminaka D, Makino S, Rutkowski TM. SVM Classification Study of Code–modulated Visual Evoked Potentials. In: Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association, 2015 Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA ASC 2015). APSIPA. Hong Kong, China: IEEE Press; 2015. p. 1065–1070.
Aminaka D, Makino S, Rutkowski TM. EEG Filtering Optimization for Code-modulated Chromatic Visual Evoked Potential-based Brain-computer Interface. In: Symbiotic Interaction. vol. 9359 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing; 2015. p. 1–6. Available from: [link].
Aminaka D, Makino S, Rutkowski TM. Classification Accuracy Improvement of Chromatic and High–Frequency Code–Modulated Visual Evoked Potential–Based BCI. In: Guo Y, Friston K, Aldo F, Hill S, Peng H, editors. Brain Informatics and Health. vol. 9250 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer International Publishing; 2015. p. 232–241. Available from: [link]. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-23344-4_23. The Best Paper Prize awarded at 2015 International Conference Brain Informatics & Health.
Aminaka D, Makino S, Rutkowski TM. Chromatic and High–frequency cVEP–based BCI Paradigm. In: 2015 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC). IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Press; 2015. p. 1906-1909. Available from: [link].
Aminaka D, Makino S, Rutkowski TM. SSVEP Brain-computer Interface using Green and Blue Lights. In: Proceedings of The 10th AEARU Workshop on Computer Science and Web Technologies (CSWT- 2015). University of Tsukuba; 2015. p. 39–40.
Belhouari A, Berrached N, Rutkowski TM. Classification Improvement and Analysis of P300 Responses with Various Inter–stimulus Intervals in Application to Spatial Visual Brain—computer Interface. In: Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association, 2015 Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA ASC 2015). APSIPA. Hong Kong, China: IEEE Press; 2015. p. 1054–1058.
Cai Z, Makino S, Rutkowski TM. Brain Evoked Potential Latencies Optimization for Spatial Auditory Brain–Computer Interface. Cognitive Computation. 2015;7(1):34–43. Available from: [link].
Chang M, Nakaizumi C, Mori K, Makino S, Rutkowski TM. Spatial Auditory BCI Spellers Using Real and Virtual Surround Sound Systems. In: 6th Conference on Systems Neuroscience and Rehabilitation 2015 (SNR 2015). Tokorozawa, Japan; 2015. p. 28.
Hamada K, Mori H, Shinoda H, Rutkowski TM. Airborne Ultrasonic Tactile Display BCI. In: Guger C, Mueller-Putz G, Allison B, editors. Brain-Computer Interface Research - A State-of-the-Art Summary 4. SpringerBriefs in Electrical and Computer Engineering. Springer International Publishing; 2015. p. 57–65. Available from: [link, arXiv].
Higashi H, Rutkowski TM, Tanaka T, Tanaka Y. Subspace-Constrained Multilinear Discriminant Analysis for ERP-based Brain Computer Interface Classification. In: Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association, 2015 Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA ASC 2015). APSIPA. Hong Kong, China: IEEE Press; 2015. p. 934–940.
Kodama T, Makino S, Rutkowski TM. Spatial Tactile Brain-Computer Interface by Applying Vibration to User’s Shoulders and Waist. In: Proceedings of The 10th AEARU Workshop on Computer Science and Web Technologies (CSWT-2015). University of Tsukuba; 2015. p. 41–42.
Kono S, Rutkowski TM. Tactile-force brain-computer interface paradigm. Multimedia Tools and Applications. 2015;74(19):8655–8667. Available from: [link].
Nakaizumi C, Matsui T, Mori K, Makino S, Rutkowski TM. Spatial Auditory Brain-computer Interface using Head Related Impulse Response. In: Proceedings of The 10th AEARU Workshop on Computer Science and Web Technologies (CSWT-2015). University of Tsukuba; 2015. p. 37–38. arXiv:1501.04374
Nakaizumi C, Makino S, Rutkowski TM. Head–related Impulse Response Cues for Spatial Auditory Brain–computer Interface. In: 2015 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC). IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Press; 2015. p. 1071-1074. Available from: [link]
Nakaizumi C, Makino S, Rutkowski TM. Variable Sound Elevation Features for Head–related Impulse Response Spatial Auditory BCI. In: Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association, 2015 Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA ASC 2015). APSIPA. Hong Kong, China: IEEE Press; 2015. p. 1094–1099.
Rutkowski TM. Brain-Robot and Speller Interfaces Using Spatial Multisensory Brain-computer Interface Paradigms. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience - Conference Abstract. 2015;(14). Available from: [link].
Rutkowski TM. Sleep Monitoring - Multivariate and Multimodal Brain and Peripheral Body Signal Processing Methods for Sleep and Consciousness Level Assessment. In: Abstract Book of the Third APSIPA Workshop on the Frontier in Biomedical Signal Processing and Systems (APSIPA BioSiPS 2015). APSIPA; 2015. p. 5–6.
Rutkowski TM. Biomedical signal processing and systems’ state of the arts and future research challenges. In: Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association, 2015 Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA ASC 2015). APSIPA. Hong Kong, China: IEEE Press; 2015. p. 1246.
Rutkowski TM, Shimizu K, Kodama T, Jurica P, Cichocki A. Brain–robot Interfaces Using Spatial Tactile and Visual BCI Paradigms - Symbiotic Brain–robot Applications. In: Symbiotic Interaction. vol. 9359 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing; 2015. p. 132—137. Available from: [link].
Rutkowski TM, Mori H. Tactile and bone-conduction auditory brain computer interface for vision and hearing impaired users. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 2015;244(0):45–51. Brain Computer Interfaces; Tribute to Greg A. Gerhardt. Available from: [link]. DOI 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2014.04.010
Rutkowski TM, Mori H, Kodama T, Shinoda H. Airborne Ultrasonic Tactile Display Brain-computer Interface - A Small Robotic Arm Online Control Study. In: Proceedings of The 10th AEARU Workshop on Computer Science and Web Technologies (CSWT-2015). University of Tsukuba; 2015. p. 7–8. arXiv:1502.07762
Rutkowski TM, Shinoda H. Airborne ultrasonic tactile display contactless brain-computer interface paradigm. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 2015;(16):3-1. Available from: [link].
Rutkowski TM, Shimizu K, Kodama T, Jurica P, Cichocki A, Shinoda H. Controlling a Robot with Tactile Brain-computer Interfaces. In: Abstracts of the 38th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society - Neuroscience 2015. BMI/BCI. Kobe, Japan: Japan Neuroscience Society; 2015. p. 2P332. Available from: [link].
Rutkowski TM. Student Teaching and Research Laboratory Focusing on Brain–computer Interface Paradigms – A Creative Environment for Computer Science Students –. In: 2015 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC). IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Press; 2015. p. 3667-3670. Available from: [link]
Shimizu K, Aminaka D, Kodama T, Nakaizumi C, Jurica P, Cichocki A, et al. Brain-robot Interfaces Using Spatial Tactile and Visual BCI Paradigms - Brains Connecting to the Internet of Things Approach. In: The International Conference on Brain Informatics & Health - Type II Paper: Proceedings 2015. London, UK: Imperial College London; 2015. p. 9–10.
Shimizu K, Makino S, Rutkowski TM. Tactile Pin-pressure Brain-computer Interface. In: Proceedings of The 10th AEARU Workshop on Computer Science and Web Technologies (CSWT-2015). University of Tsukuba; 2015. p. 35–36.
Shimizu K, Makino S, Rutkowski TM. Inter–stimulus Interval Study for the Tactile Point–pressure Brain–computer Interface. In: 2015 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC). IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Press; 2015. p. 1910-1913. Available from: [link]
Shimizu K, Kodama T, Jurica P, Cichocki A, Rutkowski TM. Tactile BCI Paradigms for Robots’ Control. In: 6th Conference on Systems Neuroscience and Rehabilitation 2015 (SNR 2015). Tokorozawa, Japan; 2015. p. 28.
Yajima H, Makino S, Rutkowski TM. Multi-command Tactile Brain-computer Interface Using the Touch-sense Glove. In: Proceedings of The 10th AEARU Workshop on Computer Science and Web Technologies (CSWT-2015). University of Tsukuba; 2015. p. 43–44.
Yajima H, Makino S, Rutkowski TM. Fingertip Stimulus Cue–based Tactile Brain–computer Interface. In: Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association, 2015 Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA ASC 2015). APSIPA. Hong Kong, China: IEEE Press; 2015. p. 1059–1064.
2014 (peer reviewed & in alphabetical order)
Alexander T, Kuh A, Hamada K, Mori H, Shinoda H, Rutkowski T. Parallel memory-efficient processing of BCI data. In: Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association, 2014 Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA); 2014. p. 1–9. Available from: [link], [open access].
Aminaka D, Makino S, Rutkowski TM. Chromatic SSVEP BCI paradigm targeting the higher frequency EEG responses. In: Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association, 2014 Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA); 2014. p. 1–7. Available from: [link], [open access].
Chang M, Mori K, Makino S, Rutkowski TM. Spatial Auditory Two-step Input Japanese Syllabary Brain-computer Interface Speller. Procedia Technology. 2014;18:25 – 31. Available from: [link]. DOI 10.1016/j.protcy.2014.11.007
Cooper EW, Rutkowski TM, Wierzbicki A, Kobzev GA, Kryssanov VV. Preface. Procedia Technology. 2014;18:1. Available from: [link]. DOI 10.1016/j.protcy.2014.11.002
Hamada K, Mori H, Shinoda H, Rutkowski TM. Airborne Ultrasonic Tactile Display Brain-computer Interface Paradigm. In: Mueller-Putz G, Bauernfeind G, Brunner C, Steyrl D, Wriessnegger S, Scherer R, editors. Proceedings of the 6th International Brain-Computer Interface Conference 2014. Graz University of Technology Publishing House; 2014. p. Article ID 018–1–4. Available from [link] arXiv:1404.4184
Hieronymus B, Mori H, Rutkowski TM. Brain-computer interface using ambisonics-reproduced dynamic sound image effects. In: Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems (SCIS), 2014 Joint 7th International Conference on and Advanced Intelligent Systems (ISIS), 15th International Symposium on; 2014. p. 301–306. Available from: link.
Huggins JE, Guger C, Allison B, Anderson CW, Batista A, Brouwer AM, et al. Workshops of the Fifth International Brain-Computer Interface Meeting: Defining the Future. Brain-Computer Interfaces. 2014;1(1):27-49. Available from: [link]
Kaniwa T, Terasawa H, Matsubara M, Makino S, Rutkowski TM. Electroencephalogram Steady State Response Sonification Focused on the Spatial and Temporal Properties. In: The 20th International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD-2014). New York, USA; 2014. Available from: [link].
Kodama T, Makino S, Rutkowski TM. Spatial Tactile Brain-Computer Interface Paradigm Applying Vibration Stimuli to Large Areas of User’s Back. In: Mueller-Putz G, Bauernfeind G, Brunner C, Steyrl D, Wriessnegger S, Scherer R, editors. Proceedings of the 6th International Brain-Computer Interface Conference 2014. Graz University of Technology Publishing House; 2014. p. Article ID 032–1–4. Available from: [link] arXiv:1404.4226
Marin Neto W, Shimizu K, Mori H, Rutkowski TM. Virtual reality feedback environment for brain computer interface paradigm using tactile and bone-conduction auditory modality paradigms. In: Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems (SCIS), 2014 Joint 7th International Conference on and Advanced Intelligent Systems (ISIS), 15th International Symposium on; 2014. p. 469–472. Available from: [link].
Mori K, Matsumoto Y, Rutkowski TM. Thresholding the discriminant output improves the reliability of communication using visual P300 speller brain-computer interface (BCI) for physically disabled persons. In: 2014 Neuroscience Meeting Planner. Neuroprosthetics. Washington DC, USA: Society for Neuroscience; 2014. p. Program No. 252.20/KK23. Online. Available from: [link].
Mori H, Makino S, Rutkowski TM. Tactile and bone-conduction auditory brain computer interface for vision and hearing impaired users - Stimulus pattern and BCI accuracy improvement. In: Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association, 2014 Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA); 2014. p. 1–7. Available from: [link], [open access].
Nakaizumi C, Matsui T, Mori K, Makino S, Rutkowski TM. Head–related Impulse Response-based Spatial Auditory Brain–computer Interface. In: Mueller-Putz G, Bauernfeind G, Brunner C, Steyrl D, Wriessnegger S, Scherer R, editors. Proceedings of the 6th International Brain-Computer Interface Conference 2014. Graz University of Technology Publishing House; 2014. p. Article ID 020–1–4. Available from: [link] arXiv:1404.3958
Rutkowski TM, Hamada K, Mori H, Shinoda H. Novel somatosensory contact-less brain-computer interface paradigm based on airborne ultrasonic tactile display stimuli. In: 2014 Neuroscience Meeting Planner. Neural Decoding. Washington DC, USA: Society for Neuroscience; 2014. p. Program No. 165.11/II20 & DP4. Online. Available from: [link].
Rutkowski TM, Mori H, Mori K. Multi-command Tactile and Bone-Conduction-Auditory Brain-Computer Interface. In: Guger C, Vaughan T, Allison B, editors. Brain-Computer Interface Research. SpringerBriefs in Electrical and Computer Engineering. Springer International Publishing; 2014. p. 125-131. Available from: [link].
Rutkowski TM, Nakano Y, Shimizu D, Struzik Z, Okada T. Brain Correlates of Creativity - ERP and Time-frequency Creative Insight Responses Analysis. In: Abstracts of the 37th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society - Neuroscience 2014. Yokohama, Japan: Japan Neuroscience Society; 2014. p. O2–H–5–4. Available from: [link].
Rutkowski TM. Multichannel EEG sonification with ambisonics spatial sound environment. In: Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association, 2014 Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA); 2014. p. 1–4. Available from: [link], [open access].
Shimizu K, Mori H, Makino S, Rutkowski TM. Tactile pressure brain-computer interface using point matrix pattern paradigm. In: Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems (SCIS), 2014 Joint 7th International Conference on and Advanced Intelligent Systems (ISIS), 15th International Symposium on; 2014. p. 473–477. Available from: [link].
Togashi R, Washizawa Y, Kono S, Rutkowski TM. Bayesian delay time estimation of brainwaves using N100 response in tactile-force brain-computer interface. In: Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems (SCIS), 2014 Joint 7th International Conference on and Advanced Intelligent Systems (ISIS), 15th International Symposium on; 2014. p. 292–296. Available from: [link].
Yajima H, Makino S, Rutkowski TM. P300 responses classification improvement in tactile BCI with touch-sense glove. In: Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association, 2014 Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA). IEEE; 2014. p. 1–7. Available from: [link], [open access].
2013 (peer reviewed & in alphabetical order)
Aminaka D, Mori K, Matsui T, Makino S, Rutkowski TM. Bone-conduction-based Brain Computer Interface Paradigm - EEG Signal Processing, Feature Extraction and Classification. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Signal Image Technology and Internet Based Systems. Kyoto, Japan: IEEE Computer Society; 2013. p. 818–824.
Cai Z, Makino S, Rutkowski TM. Spatial auditory BCI with ERP responses to front-back to the head stimuli distinction support. In: Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA), 2013 Asia-Pacific; 2013. p. 1–8. Paper ID 85. Available from: [link].
Chang M, Nishikawa N, Struzik ZR, Mori K, Makino S, Mandic D, et al. Comparison of P300 Responses in Auditory, Visual and Audiovisual Spatial Speller BCI Paradigms. In: Proceedings of the Fifth International Brain-Computer Interface Meeting 2013. Asilomar Conference Center, Pacific Grove, CA USA: Graz University of Technology Publishing House, Austria; 2013. p. Article ID: 156. Available from: [link].
Chang M, Makino S, Rutkowski TM. Classification improvement of P300 response based auditory spatial speller brain-computer interface paradigm. In: TENCON 2013 - 2013 IEEE Region 10 Conference (31194); 2013. p. 1-4. Paper ID 111. Available from: [link].
Hamano T, Rutkowski TM, Terasawa H, Okanoya K, Furukawa K. Generating an Integrated Musical Expression with a Brain-Computer Interface. In: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME 2013). Daejeon + Seoul, Korea Republic: KAIST; 2013. p. 49-54. Available from: [link].
Kono S, Aminaka D, Makino S, Rutkowski TM. EEG Signal Processing and Classification for the Novel Tactile-Force Brain-Computer Interface Paradigm. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Signal Image Technology and Internet Based Systems. Kyoto, Japan: IEEE Computer Society; 2013. p. 812–817. Available from: [link].
Lelievre Y, Washizawa Y, Rutkowski TM. Single trial BCI classification accuracy improvement for the novel virtual sound movement-based spatial auditory paradigm. In: Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA), 2013 Asia-Pacific; 2013. p. 1-6. Paper ID 365. Available from: [link].
Lelievre Y, Rutkowski TM. Novel virtual moving sound-based spatial auditory brain-computer interface paradigm. In: Neural Engineering (NER), 2013 6th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society; 2013. p. 9-12. ArXiv:1308.2630 [link]. Available from: [link].
Matsumoto Y, Makino S, Mori K, Rutkowski TM. Classifying P300 responses to vowel stimuli for auditory brain-computer interface. In: Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA), 2013 Asia-Pacific; 2013. p. 1–5. Paper ID 388. Available from: [link].
Molla MKI, Tanaka T, Rutkowski TM, Tanaka K. Phase synchronization analysis of EEG channels using bivariate empirical mode decomposition. In: Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2013 IEEE International Conference on; 2013. p. 1182-1186. Available from: [link].
Mori H, Matsumoto Y, Struzik ZR, Mori K, Makino S, Mandic D, et al. Multi-command Tactile and Auditory Brain Computer Interface based on Head Position Stimulation. In: Proceedings of the Fifth International Brain-Computer Interface Meeting 2013. Asilomar Conference Center, Pacific Grove, CA USA: Graz University of Technology Publishing House, Austria; 2013. p. Article ID: 095. Available from: [link].
Mori H, Makino S, Rutkowski TM. Multi-command Chest Tactile Brain Computer Interface for Small Vehicle Robot Navigation. In: Imamura K, Usui S, Shirao T, Kasamatsu T, Schwabe L, Zhong N, editors. Brain and Health Informatics. vol. 8211 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer International Publishing; 2013. p. 469-478. Available from: [link].
Mori H, Matsumoto Y, Makino S, Struzik ZR, Mandic DP, Rutkowski TM. Network Based Complexity Analysis in Tactile Brain Computer Interface Task. Transactions of Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering. 2013;51(Supplement):M-134. Available from: [link].
Mori H, Matsumoto Y, Kryssanov V, Cooper E, Ogawa H, Makino S, et al. Multi-command Tactile Brain Computer Interface: A Feasibility Study. In: Oakley I, Brewster S, editors. Haptic and Audio Interaction Design 2013 (HAID 2013). vol. 7989 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg; 2013. p. 50–59. Available from: [link].
Nakaizumi C, Mori K, Matsui T, Makino S, Rutkowski TM. Auditory Brain-Computer Interface Paradigm with Head Related Impulse Response-based Spatial Cues. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Signal Image Technology and Internet Based Systems. Kyoto, Japan: IEEE Computer Society; 2013. p. 806-811. Available from: [link].
Nishikawa N, Makino S, Rutkowski TM. Spatial auditory BCI paradigm based on real and virtual sound image generation. In: Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA), 2013 Asia-Pacific; 2013. p. 1-5. Paper ID 387. Available from: [link].
Rutkowski TM, Mori H, Makino S, Mori K. Novel spatial tactile and bone-conduction auditory brain computer interface. In: 2013 Neuroscience Meeting Planner. Brain-Machine Interface I. San Diego, CA, USA: Society for Neuroscience; 2013. p. Program No. 79.03. Online. Available from: [link].
Rutkowski TM, Mori H, Matsumoto Y, Struzik ZR, Makino S, Mandic D, et al. Spatial Tactile and Auditory Brain Computer Interface based on Head Position Stimulation. In: Abstracts of the 36th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society - Neuro 2013. Kyoto, Japan: Japan Neuroscience Society; 2013. p. O2–6–3–3. Available from: [link].
Rutkowski TM. Beyond Visual P300 Based Brain-Computer Interfacing Paradigms. In: Cooper E, Kobzev GA, Uvarov AF, Kryssanov VV, editors. Proceedings of the Third Postgraduate Consortium International Workshop on Innovations in Information and Communication Science and Technology. Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics. Tomsk, Russia: Publishing House of TUSUR; 2013. p. 277–283. ISBN 978-5-86889-7. Available from: [link].
Rutkowski TM, Struzik ZR, Mandic DP. EEG Epileptic Seizures Separation with Multivariate Empirical Mode Decomposition for Diagnostic Purposes. In: 2013 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC). IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Osaka, Japan: IEEE Press; 2013. p. 7128–7131. Available from: [link].
2012 (peer reviewed & in alphabetical order)
Ahmed MU, Rehman N, Looney D, Rutkowski TM, Mandic DP. Dynamical complexity of human responses: a multivariate data-adaptive framework. Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences - Technical Sciences. 2012;60(3):433–445. Available from: [link].
Ahmed MU, Rehman N, Looney D, Rutkowski TM, Kidmose P, Mandic DP. Multivariate entropy analysis with data-driven scales. In: Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2012 IEEE International Conference on; 2012. p. 3901–3904. Available from: [link].
Cai Z, Makino S, Yamada T, Rutkowski TM. Spatial auditory BCI paradigm utilizing N200 and P300 responses. In: Signal Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA ASC), 2012 Asia-Pacific; 2012. p. 1 – 7. Paper ID 355. Available from: [link].
Cai Z, Makino S, Rutkowski TM. Spatial Auditory BCI/BMI Paradigm. In: Bandyopadhyay A, editor. Proceedings of The Second International Workshop on Brain Inspired Computing (BIC2012). Tsukuba, Japan: NIMS; 2012. p. poster #2.1.
Chang M, Nishikawa N, Cai Z, Makino S, Rutkowski TM. Psychophysical Responses Comparison in Spatial Auditory, Visual, and Audiovisual BCI-Spelling Paradigms. In: Proceedings of The 6th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems, and The 13th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems. Kobe, Japan; 2012. p. 2154–2157. Available from: [link].
Gallego-Jutgla E, Rutkowski TM, Cichocki A, Sole-Casals J. EEG Signal Analysis via a Cleaning Procedure Based on Multivariate Empirical Mode Decomposition. In: IJCCI 2012 - International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence, Proceedings. Barcelona, Spain; 2012. p. 670–676.
Hori G, Rutkowski TM. Brain Listening – A Sound Installation with EEG Sonification. Journal of the Japanese Society for Sonic Arts. 2012;1(1):17–21.
Kaniwa T, Terasawa H, Matsubara M, Rutkowski TM, Makino S. EEG steady state synchrony patterns sonification. In: Signal Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA ASC), 2012 Asia-Pacific; 2012. p. 1–6. Paper ID 364. Available from: [link].
Matsumoto Y, Nishikawa N, Makino S, Yamada T, Rutkowski TM. Auditory steady-state response stimuli based BCI application - the optimization of the stimuli types and lengths. In: Signal Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA ASC), 2012 Asia-Pacific; 2012. p. 1–7. Paper ID 285. Available from: [link].
Matsumoto Y, Makino S, Rutkowski TM. Steady-State Auditory Responses Application to BCI/BMI. In: Bandyopadhyay A, editor. Proceedings of The Second International Workshop on Brain Inspired Computing (BIC2012). Tsukuba, Japan: NIMS; 2012. p. poster #2.2.
Molla MKI, Islam MR, Tanaka T, Rutkowski TM. Artifact suppression from EEG signals using data adaptive time domain filtering. Neurocomputing. 2012; 97:297–308. Available from: [link].
Molla MKI, Tanaka T, Rutkowski TM. Multivariate EMD based approach to EOG artifacts separation from EEG. In: Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2012 IEEE International Conference on; 2012. p. 653–656. Available from: [link].
Mori H, Matsumoto Y, Makino S, Kryssanov V, Rutkowski TM. Vibrotactile Stimulus Frequency Optimization for the Haptic BCI Prototype. In: Proceedings of The 6th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems, and The 13th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems. Kobe, Japan; 2012. p. 2150–2153. Available from: [link].
Nishikawa N, Matsumoto Y, Makino S, Rutkowski TM. The spatial real and virtual sound stimuli optimization for the auditory BCI. In: Signal Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA ASC), 2012 Asia-Pacific; 2012. p. 1–9. Paper ID 356. Available from: [link].
Nishikawa N, Makino S, Rutkowski TM. Analysis of Brain Responses to Spatial Real and Virtual Sounds - A BCI/BMI Approach. In: Bandyopadhyay A, editor. Proceedings of The Second International Workshop on Brain Inspired Computing (BIC2012). Tsukuba, Japan: NIMS; 2012. p. poster #2.3 (The Best Poster Award).
Ohmura H, Hamano T, Rutkowski TM, Terasawa H, Okanoya K, Furukawa K. Structural Analysis of Responses to Musical Tonality: Commonality with the Neural Processing of Emotion in Language. In: Scott-Philips TC, Tamariz M, Cartmil EA, Hurford JR, editors. Evolution of Language - Proceedings of the 9th International Conference (EVOLANG9). World Scientific; 2012. p. 510–511.
Rutkowski TM, Cai Z, Nishikawa N, Matsumoto Y, Makino S, Looney D, et al. A multi-command spatial auditory BMI based on evoked EEG responses from real and virtual sound stimuli. In: 2012 Neuroscience Meeting Planner. Brain Machine Interfaces: Non-Invasive Methods. New Orleans, LA, USA: Society for Neuroscience; 2012. p. Program No. 891.16. Online. Available from: [link].
Rutkowski TM, Mori H, Matsumoto Y, Cai Z, Chang M, Nishikawa N, et al. Haptic BCI Paradigm based on Somatosensory Evoked Potential. ArXiv e-prints. 2012 Jul; Available from: [link].
Rutkowski TM. Analyzing P300 and N2ac Responses to Various Spatial Sound Sources. In: Mori K, editor. The 7th ERA/OAE Technical Committee Meeting of Japan Audiological Society. Keio University Hospital, Tokyo, Japan: Japan Audiological Society; 2012. p. 11.
Rutkowski TM. EEG components separation and brain patterns elucidation method: data driven Huang-Hilbert transform and neural connectivity analysis application to a novel auditory BCI/BMI paradigm. In: Bandyopadhyay A, editor. Proceedings of The Second International Workshop on Brain Inspired Computing (BIC2012). Tsukuba, Japan: NIMS; 2012. p. 8.
Struzik ZR, Nakano Y, Shimizu D, Okada T, Rutkowski TM. Alpha-rhythm correlates with inspiration during dance improvisation. In: Bandyopadhyay A, editor. Proceedings of The Second International Workshop on Brain Inspired Computing (BIC2012). Tsukuba, Japan: NIMS; 2012. p. poster #1.1.
2011 (peer reviewed & in alphabetical order)
Cai Z, Terasawa H, Makino S, Yamada T, Rutkowski TM. Sound Timbre and Spatial Location as Informative Cues in Auditory BCI - Brain Evoked Potential Enhancement and Involuntary Eye Movements Artifacts Suppression Approach. In: Proceedings of the Third APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA ASC 2011). Xi’an, China: APSIPA; 2011. p. paper 241 (6 pages). Available from: [link].
Furukawa K, Rutkowski TM, Hamano T, Ohmura H, Hoshi-Shiba R, Terasawa H, et al. Music performance with ‘imagery instrument’ by real-time categorisation of brain activities. In: Power of Music Abstracts - The 34th National Conference of the Musicological Society of Australia and the 2nd International Conference on Music and Emotion. Crawley, Western Australia: The University of Western Australia; 2011. p. 46–47.
Gallego-Jutgla E, Sola-Casals J, Rutkowski TM, Cichocki A. Application of Multivariate Empirical Mode Decomposition for Cleaning Eye Blinks Artifacts From EEG Signals. In: Proceedings of International Conference on Neural Computation Theory and Applications (NCTA2011). Paris, France; 2011. p. 455 – 460.
Hamano T, Rutkowski TM, Ohmura H, Terasawa H, Hoshi-Shiba R, Okanoya K, et al. Real-Time Controllable Interface for Music Performance Using Electroencephalography. In: Proceedings of Asia Computer Music Project 2011. Tokyo Denki University: Asia Computer Music Project & Japanese Society for Sonic Arts; 2011. p. 47–52. Available from: [link].
Higashi H, Rutkowski TM, Washizawa Y, Cichocki A, Tanaka T. EEG Auditory Steady State Responses Classification for the Novel BCI. In: Proceedings of the 33rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS. Boston MA, USA: IEEE Press; 2011. p. 4576 – 4579. Available from: [link].
Higashi H, Rutkowski TM, Washizawa Y, Tanaka T, Cichocki A. Imagery Movement Paradigm User Adaptation Improvement with Quasi-movements Phenomenon. In: Wang R, Gu F, editors. Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics (II). Springer Netherlands; 2011. p. 677–681. Available from: [link].
Kim S, Rutkowski TM. Investigating listeners’ preference and brain responses of multichannel- reproduced piano music. In: Society for Music Perception and Cognition 2011, Proceedings. University of Rochester & NAMM Foundation; 2011. p. 79.
Rutkowski TM, Zhao Q, Mandic DP, Cai Z, Cichocki A, Makino S, et al. New EEG components separation method: Data driven Huang-Hilbert Transform application to auditory BMI paradigm. In: 2011 Neuroscience Meeting Planner. Washington DC, USA: Society for Neuroscience; 2011. p. Program No. 627.15. Online. Available from: [link]
Rutkowski TM. Auditory Brain-Computer/Machine Interface Paradigms Design. In: Cooper E, Kryssanov V, Ogawa H, Brewster S, editors. Haptic and Audio Interaction Design. vol. 6851 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg; 2011. p. 110–119. Available from: [link].
Rutkowski TM, Cichocki A, Mandic D, Nishida T. Emotional empathy transition patterns from human brain responses in interactive communication situations. AI & Society. 2011;26:301–315. Available from: [link].
Rutkowski TM, Mandic DP, Cao J, Przybyszewski AW. Multichannel EEG separation in HHT domain. In: The Third International Conference on Hilbert-Huang Transform: Theory and Applications. Qingdao, China: The First Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration, China; 2011. p. 78–79.
Rutkowski TM, Tanaka T, Cichocki A, Erickson D, Cao J, Mandic DP. Interactive component extraction from fEEG, fNIRS and peripheral biosignals for affective brain-machine interfacing paradigms. Computers in Human Behavior. 2011;27(5):1512 – 1518. Available from: [link].
Rutkowski TM, Zhao Q, Cichocki A, Tanaka T, Mandic DP. Towards Affective BCI/BMI Paradigms – Analysis of fEEG and fNIRS Brain Responses to Emotional Speech and Facial Videos. In: Wang R, Gu F, editors. Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics (II). Springer Netherlands; 2011. p. 671–675. Available from: [link].
Zhao Q, Rutkowski TM, Cichocki A, Zhang L. High Resolution Common Spatial Frequency Filters for Classifying Multi-class EEG. In: Wang R, Gu F, editors. Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics (II). Springer Netherlands; 2011. p. 683–688. Available from: [link].
2010 (peer reviewed & in alphabetical order)
Higashi H, Washizawa Y, Rutkowski T, Tanaka T, Cichocki A; IEICE (SIP2010-106). A brain computer interface using auditory steady state responses. IEICE Technical Report. 2010 January;368(110):221–226.
Molla MKI, Tanaka T, Rutkowski TM, Cichocki A. Separation of EOG artifacts from EEG signals using bivariate EMD. In: Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2010 IEEE International Conference on; 2010. p. 562–565. Available from: [link].
Rutkowski TM, Przybyszewski AW, Tanaka T, Mandic D, Cichocki A. A new method of EEG analysis - data driven EMD. In: 2010 Neuroscience Meeting Planner. San Diego, CA, USA: Society for Neuroscience; 2010. p. Program No. 343.18. Online. Available from: [link].
Rutkowski TM, Mandic DP, Cichocki A, Przybyszewski AW. EMD Approach to Multichannel EEG Data - The Amplitude and Phase Components Clustering Analysis. Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers (JCSC). 2010;19(1):215–229. Available from: [link].
Rutkowski TM, Tanaka T, Zhao Q, Cichocki A. Spatial Auditory BCI/BMI Paradigm - Multichannel EMD Approach to Brain Responses Estimation. In: Proceedings of the Second APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA ASC 2010). Biopolis, Singapore: APSIPA; 2010. p. 197–202. Available from: [link].
Shi Q, Zhou W, Cao J, Mandic D, Tanaka T, Rutkowski T, et al. An Auditory Oddball Based Brain- Computer Interface System Using Multivariate EMD. In: Huang DS, Zhang X, Reyes Garcia C, Zhang L, editors. Advanced Intelligent Computing Theories and Applications. With Aspects of Artificial Intelligence. vol. 6216 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer Berlin Heidelberg; 2010. p. 140–148. Available from: [link].
Washizawa Y, Higashi H, Rutkowski T, Tanaka T, Cichocki A. Tensor Based Simultaneous Feature Extraction and Sample Weighting for EEG Classification. In: Wong K, Mendis BS, Bouzerdoum A, editors. Neural Information Processing. Models and Applications. vol. 6444 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer Berlin Heidelberg; 2010. p. 26–33. Available from: [link].
Zhao Q, Rutkowski T, Zhang L, Cichocki A. Generalized optimal spatial filtering using a kernel approach with application to EEG classification. Cognitive Neurodynamics. 2010;4(4):355–358. Available from: [link, link].
2009 (peer reviewed & in alphabetical order)
Looney D, Ur Rehman N, Mandic D, Rutkowski TM, Heidenreich A, Beyer D. Conditioning multi- modal information for smart environments. In: Distributed Smart Cameras, 2009. ICDSC 2009. Third ACM/IEEE International Conference on. IEEE Press; 2009. p. 1–8.
Rehman N, Looney D, Rutkowski TM, Mandic DP. Bivariate EMD-based image fusion. In: Statistical Signal Processing, 2009. SSP ’09. IEEE/SP 15th Workshop on. IEEE; 2009. p. 57–60.
Rutkowski TM, Cichocki A, Mandic DP. Spatial auditory paradigms for brain computer/machine interfacing. In: International Workshop On The Principles and Applications of Spatial Hearing 2009 (IWPASH 2009) - Proceedings of the International Workshop. Miyagi-Zao Royal Hotel, Sendai, Japan; 2009. p. P5.
Rutkowski TM, Cichocki A, Mandic DP. Emotional Empathy States Estimation from Human Brain Responses in Interactive Communication Situations - Research in Progress. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Social Intelligence Design (SID2009). Kyoto, Japan; 2009. p. 206–213.
Rutkowski TM, Cichocki A, Mandic DP. Information fusion analysis in time-frequency domain of brain responses dynamics to affective stimuli. In: Proceedings of Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Process- ing Association 2009 Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA ASC 2009). Sapporo, Japan: APSIPA; 2009. p. 169–173. Available from: [link].
Rutkowski TM, Cichocki A, Tanaka T, Mandic DP, Cao J, Ralescu AL. Multichannel spectral pattern separation - An EEG processing application. In: Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 2009. ICASSP 2009. IEEE International Conference on; 2009. p. 373–376. Available from: [link].
Rutkowski TM, Cichocki A, Tanaka T, Mandic DP, Cao J. Multichannel Spectral Pattern Separation - A Nonlinear Approach to EEG Signals from Interferences Separation in Frequency Domain. In: Proceedings of 2009 International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing NCSP’09. Research Institute of Signal Processing Japan. Honolulu HI, USA: RISP Japan; 2009. p. 439–442.
Rutkowski T, Cichocki A, Erickson D, Tanaka T, Mandic D. Multimodal fEEG and fNIRS analysis of human emotional responses. Neuroscience Research. 2009;65:S130. Abstracts of the 32nd Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society (Neuroscience 2009). Available from: [link].
Rutkowski TM, Zhao Q, Cichocki A, Mandic D. Analysis of fEEG and fNIRS brain responses to affective stimuli - Towards new BCI/BMI paradigms. Berlin, Germany; 2009. Conference Abstracts.
Rutkowski T, Cichocki A, Tanaka T, Ralescu A, Mandic D. Clustering of Spectral Patterns Based on EMD Components of EEG Channels with Applications to Neurophysiological Signals Separation. In: Koppen M, Kasabov N, Coghill G, editors. Advances in Neuro-Information Processing. vol. 5506 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer Berlin Heidelberg; 2009. p. 453–460. Available from: [link].
Zhao Q, Rutkowski TM, Cichocki A, Zhang L. Multi-way Analysis of EEG Signals for BCI. Berlin, Germany; 2009. Conference Abstracts.
2008 (peer reviewed & in alphabetical order)
Cichocki A, Washizawa Y, Rutkowski T, Bakardjian H, Phan AH, Choi S, et al. Noninvasive BCIs: Multiway Signal-Processing Array Decompositions. Computer. 2008;41(10):34–42. Available from: [link].
Dauwels J, Rutkowski TM, Vialatte F, Cichocki A. On the synchrony of empirical mode decompositions with application to electroencephalography. In: Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 2008. ICASSP 2008. IEEE International Conference on; 2008. p. 473–476. Available from: [link].
Dauwels J, Vialatte F, Rutkowski T, Cichocki A. Measuring Neural Synchrony by Message Passing. In: Platt JC, Koller D, Singer Y, Roweis S, editors. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 20. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press; 2008. p. 361–368. Available from: [link].
Looney D, Li L, Rutkowski T, Mandic D, Cichocki A. Ocular Artifacts Removal from EEG Using EMD. In: Wang R, Shen E, Gu F, editors. Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics ICCN 2007. Springer Netherlands; 2008. p. 831–835. Available from: [link].
Rutkowski TM, Erickson D, Han JH, Shochi T, Cichocki A. Cross-linguistic comparison of EEG dynamics of vocally and visually-expressed affective speech as it pertains to BCI. In: Abstracts of the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Logopedics and Phoniatrics. Mihara, Japan: Japan Society of Logopedics and Phoniatrics; 2008. p. 61.
Rutkowski TM, Cichocki A, Mandic DP. Analysis of brain responses to musical, steady-state auditory and environmental noise stimuli - A BMI feature extraction approach. Neurocience Research. 2008;61(1, Supplement 1):S252. Available from: [link].
Rutkowski TM, Cichocki A, Mandic D. Information Fusion for Perceptual Feedback: A Brain Activity Sonification Approach. In: Mandic D, Golz M, Kuh A, Obradovic D, Tanaka T, editors. Signal Pro- cessing Techniques for Knowledge Extraction and Information Fusion. Springer US; 2008. p. 261–273. Available from: [link].
Rutkowski TM, Toshihisa T, Cichocki A, Mandic DP. Clustering EMD Components for Muscular Interference Separation from EEG - A Time/Frequency Approach with Different Distance Measures. In: Proceedings of 23rd SIP Symposium. Kanazawa: IEICE; 2008. p. 52–57.
Rutkowski TM, Mandic D. Modeling Communication Atmosphere. In: Nishida T, editor. Engineering Approaches to Conversational Informatics. Wiley Series in Agent Technology. Wiley; 2008. p. 353–369. Available from: [link].
Rutkowski T, Cichocki A, Ralescu A, Mandic D. Emotional States Estimation from Multichannel EEG Maps. In: Wang R, Shen E, Gu F, editors. Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics ICCN 2007. Springer Netherlands; 2008. p. 695–698. Available from: [link].
Vialatte FB, Dauwels J, Rutkowski TM, Cichocki A. Oscillatory Event Synchrony During Steady State Visual Evoked Potentials. In: Wang R, Shen E, Gu F, editors. Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics ICCN 2007. Springer Netherlands; 2008. p. 439–442. Available from: [link].
Zdunek R, Rutkowski T. Nonnegative Tensor Factorization with Smoothness Constraints. In: Huang DS, Wunsch I DonaldC, Levine D, Jo KH, editors. Advanced Intelligent Computing Theories and Applications. With Aspects of Theoretical and Methodological Issues. vol. 5226 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer Berlin Heidelberg; 2008. p. 300–307. Available from: [link].
2007 (peer reviewed & in alphabetical order)
Chen M, Mandic DP, Rutkowski TM, Cichocki A. Signal Modality Characterisation of EEG with Response to Steady-State Auditory and Visual BCI Paradigms. In: Machine Learning for Signal Processing, 2007 IEEE Workshop on; 2007. p. 223–228. Available from: [link].
Chen M, Rutkowski TM, Jelfs B, Souretis G, Cao J, Mandic D. Assessment of Nonlinearity in Brain Electrical Activity: A DVV Approach. In: Proceedings of The 2007 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing. Shanghai, China: Shanghai Jiao Tong University; 2007. p. 461–464.
Looney D, Mandic DP, Rutkowski T. Regularised Adaptive FIR Filters for Image Denoising. In: Digital Signal Processing, 2007 15th International Conference on; 2007. p. 55–58. Available from: [link].
Looney D, Rutkowski TM, Mandic DP. An Adaptively Regularised Method for Denoising of Real World Images. In: Proceedings of The 4th IET Visual Information Engineering 2007 Conference (VIE2007) - Bridging The Gap Between Theory and Applications. London, UK: Royal Statistical Society; 2007. p. paper #71. Available from: [link].
Mandic D, Vayanos P, Boukis C, Jelfs B, Goh SL, Gautama T, et al. Collaborative Adaptive Learning using Hybrid Filters. In: Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 2007. ICASSP 2007. IEEE International Conference on. vol. III; 2007. p. 921–924. Available from: [link].
Rutkowski TM, Cichocki A, Mandic D. EMD Analysis of Multichannel EEG Data. In: Proceedings of The 22nd SIP Symposium. Sendai, Japan: Tohoku University; 2007. p. 149–154.
Rutkowski TM, Dauwels J, Vialatte F, Cichocki A, Mandic D. Time-frequency and synchrony analysis of responses to steady-state auditory and musical stimuli from multichannel EEG. In: Twenty-First Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems 2007 (NIPS2007) - Music, Brain & Cognition Workshop. Whistler, Canada; 2007. p. video lecture. Available from: [link].
Rutkowski T, Mandic D, Barros A. A Multimodal Approach to Communicative Interactivity Classification. The Journal of VLSI Signal Processing. 2007;49(2):317–328. Available from: [link].
Rutkowski T, Mandic D. Modelling the Communication Atmosphere: A Human Centered Multimedia Approach to Evaluate Communicative Situations. In: Huang T, Nijholt A, Pantic M, Pentland A, editors. Artificial Intelligence for Human Computing. vol. 4451 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer Berlin Heidelberg; 2007. p. 155–169. Available from: [link].
Rutkowski TM, Zdunek R, Cichocki A. Multichannel EEG Brain Activity Patterns Analysis in Time Frequency Domain with Nonnegative Matrix Factorization Support. International Congress Series. 2007 July;1301:266–269. Available from: [link].
2006 (peer reviewed & in alphabetical order)
Cavalcante AB, Mandic D, Rutkowski TM, Barros AK. Speech Enhancement Based on the Response Features of Facilitated EI Neurons. In: Independent Component Analysis and Blind Signal Separation. vol. 3889 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer Berlin & Heidelberg; 2006. p. 585–592. Available from: [link].
Chen Z, Cichocki A, Rutkowski TM. Constrained non-Negative Matrix Factorization Method for EEG Analysis in Early Detection of Alzheimer Disease. In: Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 2006. ICASSP 2006 Proceedings. 2006 IEEE International Conference on. vol. V; 2006. p. 893–896. Available from: [link].
Jelfs B, Vayanos P, Chen M, Goh SL, Boukis C, Gautama T, et al. An Online Method for Detecting Nonlinearity Within a Signal. In: Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems. vol. 4253 of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. Springer Berlin & Heidelberg; 2006. p. 1216–1223. Available from: [link].
Rutkowski TM, Vialatte F, Cichocki A, Mandic D, Barros AK. Auditory Feedback for Brain Computer Interface Management - An EEG Data Sonification Approach. In: Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems. vol. 4253 of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. Springer Berlin & Heidelberg; 2006. p. 1232–1239. Available from: [link].
Rutkowski TM, Zdunek R, Cichocki A. Multichannel EEG Brain Activity Patterns Analysis in Time Frequency Domain with Nonnegative Matrix Factorization Support - Abstract. In: Abstracts of BrainIT 2006 - The Third International Conference on Brain-Inspired Information Technology. Hibikino, Kitakyushu, Japan: Kyushu Institute of Technology; 2006. p. 102.
2005 (peer reviewed & in alphabetical order)
Przybyszewski AW, Rutkowski TM. Processing of the incomplete representation of the visual world. In: Hryniewicz O, Kacprzyk J, Koronacki J, Wierzchon ST, editors. Issues in Intelligent Systems Paradigms. Problemy Wspolczesnej Nauki - Teoria i Zastosowania - Informatyka. Warsaw, Poland: Akademicka Oficyna Wydawnicza EXIT; 2005. p. 225–235. Available from: [link].
Rutkowski TM, Kryssanov VV, Ralescu A, Kakusho K, Minoh M. An audiovisual information fusion approach to analyze the communication atmosphere. In: Proceedings of the Symposium on Next Generation Approaches to Machine Consciousness - Interaction - Situational and Environmental Information Enforcing Involvement in Conversation, AISB’05. Hatfield, UK: University of Hertfordshire; 2005. p. 113–120. Available from: [link].
Rutkowski TM, Mandic D. Communicative interactivity - A multimodal communicative situation classification approach. In: Artificial Neural Networks: Formal Models and Their Applications - ICANN 2005. vol. 3697 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer Berlin & Heidelberg; 2005. p. 741–746. Available from: [link].
Rutkowski T, Yamakata Y, Kakusho K, Minoh M. Smart Sensor Mesh: Intelligent Sensor Clusters Configuration and Location Discovery for Collaborative Information Processing. In: Bolc L, Michalewicz Z, Nishida T, editors. Intelligent Media Technology for Communicative Intelligence. vol. 3490 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer Berlin Heidelberg; 2005. p. 147–157. Available from: [link].
Vialatte F, Cichocki A, Dreyfus G, Musha T, Rutkowski TM, Gervais R. Blind source separation and sparse bump modeling of time frequency representation of EEG signals: New tools for early detection of Alzheimer’s disease. In: Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE Signal Processing Society Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing, MLSP2005. Mystic CT, USA: IEEE Press; 2005. p. 27–32.
2004 (peer reviewed & in alphabetical order)
Hoya T, Barros AK, Rutkowski T, Cichocki A. Method, System and Program for Signal Extrac- tion; 2004. JP Patent JP2004126198 (A). Available from: [link].
Rutkowski TM, Kryssanov VV, Kakusho K, Minoh M. Communicating people identification in multi- media streams - an audiovisual fusion approach. In: Proceedings of the IPSJ Forum on Information Technology, FIT2004. vol. K-007. Doshisha University, Kyoto: Information Processing Society of Japan; 2004. p. 405–406.
Rutkowski TM, Kryssanov VV, Ralescu A, Kakusho K, Minoh M. From the automatic communication atmosphere analysis to its elements reconciliation in recorded multimedia streams. In: Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Multimedia and Network Information Systems and First International Workshop on Intelligent Media Technology for Communicative Intelligence. vol. II. Wroclaw University of Technology. Szklarska Poreba, Poland: WUT Press; 2004. p. 125–135.
Rutkowski T, Kakusho K, Kryssanov V, Minoh M. Evaluation of the Communication Atmosphere. In: Negoita M, Howlett R, Jain L, editors. Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems. vol. 3213 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer Berlin Heidelberg; 2004. p. 364–370. Available from: [link].
2003 (peer reviewed & in alphabetical order)
Hoya T, Barros AK, Rutkowski TM, Cichocki A. Speech extraction based upon a combined subband independent component analysis and neural memory. In: Proceedings of Fourth International Symposium on Independent Component Analysis and Blind Signal Separation. Nara, Japan; 2003. p. 355–361.
Rutkowski TM, Yokoo M, Mandic D, Yagi K, Kameda K, Kakusho K, et al. Identification and tracking of active speakers position in noisy environments. In: Proceedings of International Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control (IWAENC2003). Kyoto, Japan: IEEE; 2003. p. 283–286.
Rutkowski T, Seki S, Yamakata Y, Kakusho K, Minoh M. Toward the Human Communication Efficiency Monitoring from Captured Audio and Video Media in Real Environments. In: Palade V, Howlett R, Jain L, editors. Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems. vol. 2774 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer Berlin Heidelberg; 2003. p. 1093–1100. Available from: [link].
2002 (peer reviewed & in alphabetical order)
Barros AK, Rutkowski T, Itakura F, Ohnishi N. Estimation of speech embedded in a reverberant and noisy environment by independent component analysis and wavelets. Neural Networks, IEEE Transactions on. 2002;13(4):888–893. Available from: [link].
Cichocki A, Rutkowski T, Siwek K. Blind signal extraction of signals with specified frequency band. In: Neural Networks for Signal Processing, 2002. Proceedings of the 2002 12th IEEE Workshop on; 2002. p. 515–524. Available from: [link].
Vijayakumar S, DSouza A, Peters J, Conradt J, Rutkowski TM, Ijspeert A, et al. Real-Time Statistical Learning for Oculomotor Control and Visuomotor Coordination. In: Poster presented at Sixteenth Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 2002). Vancouver, BC, Canada; 2002.
2001 (peer reviewed & in alphabetical order)
Barros AK, Itakura F, Rutkowski T, Mansour A, Ohnishi N. Estimation of speech embedded in a reverberant environment with multiple sources of noise. In: Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 2001. Proceedings. (ICASSP ’01). 2001 IEEE International Conference on. vol. 1; 2001. p. 629–632. Available from: [link].
Rutkowski TM, Cichocki A, Barros AK. Speech enhancement from interfering sounds using CASA techniques and blind source separation. In: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Independent Component Analysis and Signal Separation. San Diego, CA; 2001. p. 728–733.
2000 (peer reviewed & in alphabetical order)
Barros AK, Kawahara H, Cichocki A, Kojita S, Rutkowski TM, Kawamoto M, et al. Enhancement of a Speech Signal Embedded in Noisy Environment Using Two Microphones. In: Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on ICA and BSS (ICA2000). Helsinki, Finland; 2000. p. 423–428.
Cichocki A, Rutkowski T, Barros AK, Oh SH. A blind extraction of temporally correlated but statistically dependent acoustic signals. In: Proceedings of the 2000 IEEE Signal Processing Society Workshop on Neural Networks for Signal Processing. vol. 1; 2000. p. 455–464.
Francyk J, Rutkowski T. Adaptation of multifunction phone terminal for blind users (Internet access). In: Proceedings of the 2nd Internet National Conference - Wroclaw 2000. Warsaw University of Technology. Wroclaw, Poland: Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wroclawskiej; 2000. p. 43–48. (in Polish).
Rutkowski TM, Cichocki A, Barros AK. Speech Extraction from Interferences in Real Environment Using Bank of Filters and Blind Source Separation. In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Signal Processing Applications. Brisbane, Australia; 2000. p. paper #34.
Rutkowski TM, Cichocki A, Barros AK. Speech Enhancement Using Adaptive Filters and Independent Component Analysis Approach. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Science and Technology (AISAT2000). Hobart, Tasmania; 2000. p. 191–196.
1999 (peer reviewed & in alphabetical order)
Basztura C, Drygajlo A, Rutkowski T. Expert system tools for assisting speaker recognition in foren- sic applications for telephone quality speech. Wroclaw, Poland: Institute of Telecommunications and Acoustics, Wroclaw University of Technology; 1999. PRE #33.
Basztura C, Rutkowski T, Drygajlo A. Influence of coding and compression of speech signal in telecom- munication links on individual voice features. Wroclaw, Poland: Institute of Telecommunications and Acoustics, Wroclaw University of Technology; 1999. PRE #29.
Basztura C, Kulpinski P, Rutkowski T. Expert features assessment of personal voices of speakers in telecommunications links based on spectral analysis. In: Proceedings of the 6th Conference Computer in Science (KOWBAN’99). Oficyna Wydawnicza Sudety; 1999. p. 327–336. (in Polish).
Cichocki A, Vorobyov SA, Rutkowski TM. Nonlinear interference cancellation using neural networks. In: Proceeding of the 1999 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA’99). Hawaii, USA: Tokyo Denshi Joho Tsushin Gakkai; 1999. p. 875–887.
Cichocki A, Zhang L, Rutkowski T. Blind separation and filtering using state space models. In: Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 1999. ISCAS ’99. vol. 5; 1999. p. 78–81.
1998 (peer reviewed & in alphabetical order)
Basztura C, Rutkowski T, Drygajlo A. Influence of coding and compression of speech signal in telecommunication channels on the efficacy of automatic speaker identification. Warszawa, Poland: Institute of Telecommunications and Acoustics, Wroclaw University of Technology; 1998. SPR #42.
Borowczyk P, Rutkowski TM. Videoconference connections in ISDN network. In: Proceedings of the Conference on Metropolitan Area Networks in Science, Economy and Administration (POLMAN’98). State Committee for Scientific Research. Poznan, Poland: Osrodek Wydawnictw Naukowych PAN; 1998. p. 99–106. (in Polish).
Borowczyk P, Rutkowski T. Multimedia services in Laboratory for Switching Systems. In: Proceedings of the Poznan Telecommunications Workshop. Poznan, Poland: Poznan University of Technology, Institute of Electronics and Telecommunications; 1998. p. 3.2.1–5. (in Polish).
Gizewski S, Rutkowski T. An adaptive DPCM algorithm for EKG signal compression. In: Proceedings of the National Congress of Metrology. Gdansk, Poland; 1998. p. 354–361. (in Polish).
Grzebyk W, Janukiewicz J, Rutkowski T. Efficacy of an online remote education systems in metropolitan area networks. In: Proceedings of the Miedzeszyn’98 Symposium Network 2000. NASK; 1998. p. 164– 174. (in Polish).
Janukiewicz JM, Rutkowski TM. Application of circuit switched ISDN links in corporate networks. In: Proceedings of the Conference on Metropolitan Area Networks in Science, Economy and Administration (POLMAN’98). State Committee for Scientific Research. Poznan, Poland: Osrodek Wydawnictw Naukowych PAN; 1998. p. 91–98. (in Polish).
Janukiewicz J, Rutkowski T. Computer ISDN links in corporate networks. In: Proceedings of the ISDN Workshop - Wroclaw’98. Wroclaw University of Technology. Format; 1998. p. 63–69. (in Polish).
Rutkowski T. A model to promote ISDN services. In: Proceedings of the ISDN Workshop - Wroclaw’98. Format; 1998. p. 183–188. (in Polish).
1997 (peer reviewed & in alphabetical order)
Basztura C, Rutkowski TM. The efficiency of speaker recognition using artificial neural networks. In: Proceedings of the 4th Conference Computer in Science (KOWBAN’97). Wroclaw Scientific Society. Wroclaw–Swieradow Zdroj, Poland: Oficyna Wydawnicza Sudety; 1997. p. 501–506. (in Polish).
Oko J, Rutkowski TM. Computer analysis of packet network traffic data. In: Proceedings of the 4th Conference Computer in Science (KOWBAN’97). Wroclaw Scientific Society. Oficyna Wydawnicza Sudety; 1997. p. 363–368. (in Polish).
Rutkowski TM. ISDN Services in Europe, USA, Singapore and Japan. In: Proceedings of the 1997 National Telecommunications Symposium. Bydgoszcz, Poland: Institute of Telecommunications, Warsaw University of Technology; 1997. p. 172–178. (in Polish).
Rutkowski TM, Basztura C. Automatic speaker recognition in different transmission conditions. In: Domanski M, Stasinski R, editors. Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image Processing. PTETiS. Poznan, Poland: Poznan University of Technology, Institute of Electronics and Telecommunications; 1997. p. 113–116.
1996 (peer reviewed & in alphabetical order)
Rutkowski TM, Francyk J. Application of microprocessors for remote diagnosis of patients with heart disease and implanted pacemakers. In: Proceedings of the 10th National Conference on Application of Processors in Measurement and Automatics. Warszawa, Poland; 1996. p. 186–192. (in Polish).
Szymanowski M, Rutkowski T. The utilization of S-ACCESS technology for ISDN user terminal. In: Proceedings of the 1996 National Telecommunications Symposium. Bydgoszcz, Poland: Institute of Telecommunications, Warsaw University of Technology; 1996. p. 335–341. (in Polish).
Theses and Technical Reports
T. Rutkowski, Reducing environmental and transmission interference to improve automatic speaker recognition. PhD thesis, Wroclaw University of Technology, Institute of Telecommunications and Acoustics, Wroclaw, Poland, March 28, 2002.
C. Basztura, A. Drygajlo, and T. Rutkowski, “Expert system tools for assisting speaker recognition in forensic applications for telephone quality speech,” Tech. Rep. PRE #33, Institute of Telecommunications and Acoustics, Wroclaw University of Technology, Wroclaw, Poland, 1999.
C. Basztura, T. Rutkowski, and A. Drygajlo, “Influence of coding and compression of speech signal in telecommunication links on individual voice features,” Tech. Rep. PRE #29, Institute of Telecommunications and Acoustics, Wroclaw University of Technology, Wroclaw, Poland, 1999.
M. Szymanowski, E. Wanat, T. Rutkowski, D. Grabarczyk, Z. Salamacha, B. Honski, and K. Majcherski, “Part I: Analysis of methods for QoS maintenace in ATM technology. Part II: ATM access point in Laboratory for Switching Systems,” Tech. Rep. SPR #91, Institute of Telecommunications and Acoustics, Wroclaw University of Technology, Wroclaw, Poland, 1998. (in Polish).
M. Szymanowski, E. Wanat, J. Oko, J. Klink, P. Borowczyk, T. Rutkowski, D. Grabarczyk, and Z. Salamacha, “DSS1 signaling - services built based on ISDN,” Tech. Rep. SPR #38, Institute of Telecommunications and Acoustics, Wroclaw University of Technology, 1998. (a technical survey in collaboration and for Telekomunikacja Polska S.A. - in Polish).
D. J. Bem, J. Borowiec, W. Grzebyk, J. Janukiewicz, J. Kujalowicz, H. Lasota, L. Pikul, T. Rutkowski, L. Smolenski, K. Warszawski, R. Wroczynski, T. Wieckowski, R. Weisbrodt, R. Zielinski, and M. Zientalski, “A methodology to test and evaluate a pilot installation of an access system HYTAS,” Tech. Rep. SPR #84, Institute of Telecommunications and Acoustics, Wroclaw University of Technology, Warszawa, Poland, 1998. (a technical survey for the Polish telecommunications regulator - in Polish).
D. J. Bem, J. Borowiec, W. Grzebyk, J. Janukiewicz, J. Kujalowicz, H. Lasota, L. Pikul, T. Rutkowski, L. Smolenski, K. Warszawski, R. Wroczynski, T. Wieckowski, R. Weisbrodt, R. Zielinski, and M. Zientalski, “A methodology to test and evaluate an access system FASTLINK,” Tech. Rep. SPR #53, Institute of Telecommunications and Acoustics, Wroclaw University of Technology, Warszawa, Poland, 1998. (a technical survey for the Polish telecommunications regulator - in Polish).
C. Basztura, T. Rutkowski, and A. Drygajlo, “Influence of coding and compression of speech signal in telecommuication channels on the efficacy of automatic speaker identification,” Tech. Rep. SPR #42, Institute of Telecommunications and Acoustics, Wroclaw University of Technology, Warszawa, Poland, 1998.
M. Szymanowski, J. Oko, J. Klink, P. Borowczyk, T. Rutkowski, and D. Grabarczyk, “ISDN services introduction strategy: Economical analysis of ISDN services launch,” Tech. Rep. SPR #11, Institute of Telecommunications and Acoustics, Wroclaw University of Technology, 1997. (a technical survey in collaboration and for Telekomunikacja Polska S.A. - in Polish).
M. Szymanowski, J. Oko, J. Klink, P. Borowczyk, T. Rutkowski, and D. Grabarczyk, “ISDN services introduction strategy: Design of services set possible to implement in TPSA networks,” Tech. Rep. SPR #10, Institute of Telecommunications and Acoustics, Wroclaw University of Technology, Wroclaw, Poland, 1997. (a technical survey in collaboration and for Telekomunikacja Polska S.A. - in Polish).
M. Szymanowski, J. Oko, J. Klink, P. Borowczyk, T. Rutkowski, D. Grabarczyk, and J. Waniczek, “ISDN services introduction strategy: Annex to stage I,” Tech. Rep. SPR #9, Institute of Telecommunications and Acoustics, Wroclaw University of Technology, Wroclaw, Poland, 1997. (a technical survey in collaboration and for Telekomunikacja Polska S.A. - in Polish).
M. Szymanowski, J. Oko, P. Borowczyk, J. Klink, T. Rutkowski, and Z. Siwek, “Review of switching systems,” Tech. Rep. SPR #18, Institute of Telecommunications and Acoustics, Wroclaw University of Technology, Wroclaw, Poland, 1997. (a technical survey in collaboration and for Telekomunikacja Polska S.A. - in Polish).
M. Szymanowski, T. Rutkowski, K. Opielinski, M. Waniczek, K. Suwa j, P. Reda, and G. Kalus, “Online shopping and education services in Poland based on TPSA telecommunications network,” Tech. Rep. PRE #5, Institute of Telecommunications and Acoustics, Wroclaw University of Technology, 1997. (a technical survey in collaboration and for Telekomunikacja Polska S.A. - in Polish).
M. Szymanowski, E. Wanat, J. Oko, J. Klink, P. Borowczyk, T. Rutkowski, D. Grabarczyk, and Z. Salamacha, “An analysis of digital user signaling system data (DSS1),” Tech. Rep. SPR #37, Institute of Telecommunications and Acoustics, Wroclaw University of Technology, Wroclaw, Poland, 1997. (a technical survey in collaboration and for Telekomunikacja Polska S.A. - in Polish).
M. Szymanowski, J. Oko, P. Borowczyk, J. Klink, T. Rutkowski, D. Grabarczyk, Z. Salamacha, and A. Maciejewski, “PAFAL phone network measurement,” Tech. Rep. SPR #15, Institute of Telecommunications and Acoustics, Wroclaw University of Technology, Warszawa, Poland, 1996. (in Polish).
M. Szymanowski, E. Wanat, J. Oko, P. Borowczyk, J. Klink, T. Rutkowski, D. Grabarczyk, and J. Mosiolek, “ISDN services introduction strategy: Isdn data resources database,” Tech. Rep. SPR #50, Institute of Telecommunications and Acoustics, Wroclaw University of Technology, Warszawa, Poland, 1996. (a technical survey in collaboration and for Telekomunikacja Polska S.A. - in Polish).
M. Szymanowski, J. Francyk, E. Wanat, J. Oko, P. Borowczyk, J. Klink, T. Rutkowski, D. Grabarczyk, and J. Mosiolek, “ISDN services introduction strategy: Services billing plan,” Tech. Rep. SPR #51, Institute of Telecommunications and Acoustics, Wroclaw University of Technology, Warszawa, Poland, 1996. (a technical survey in collaboration and for Telekomunikacja Polska S.A. - in Polish).
M. Szymanowski, J. Francyk, E. Wanat, J. Oko, P. Borowczyk, J. Klink, T. Rutkowski, D. Grabarczyk, and J. Mosiolek, “ISDN services introduction strategy: Technical and organization requirments for services maintenance system: Part I & II,” Tech. Rep. SPR #52, Institute of Telecommunications and Acoustics, Wroclaw University of Technology, Warszawa, Poland, 1996. (a technical survey in collaboration and for Telekomunikacja Polska S.A. - in Polish).
M. Szymanowski, Z. Siwek, J. Oko, P. Borowczyk, J. Klink, T. Rutkowski, D. Grabarczyk, and Z. Salamacha, “Procedures for ISDN technology implementation in Wroclaw’s Telecommunications Region - Stage I: Installation procedures for primary and basic accesses. Transmission problems,” Tech.Rep. SPR #69, Institute of Telecommunications and Acoustics, Wroclaw University of Technology, Wroclaw, Poland, 1996. (a technical survey in collaboration and for Telekomunikacja Polska S.A. - in Polish).
M. Szymanowski, Z. Siwek, J. Oko, P. Borowczyk, J. Klink, T. Rutkowski, D. Grabarczyk, and Z. Salamacha, “Procedures for ISDN technology implementation in Wroclaw’s Telecommunications Region - Stage I: Installation procedures for primary and basic accesses. Services maintenance.,” Tech. Rep. SPR #70, Institute of Telecommunications and Acoustics, Wroclaw University of Technology, Wroclaw, Poland, 1996. (a technical survey in collaboration and for Telekomunikacja Polska S.A. - in Polish).
M. Szymanowski, Z. Siwek, J. Oko, P. Borowczyk, J. Klink, T. Rutkowski, D. Grabarczyk, and Z. Salamacha, “Procedures for ISDN technology implementation in Wroclaw’s Telecommunications Region - Stage I: Installation procedures for primary and basic accesses. Services introduction.,” Tech. Rep. SPR #71, Institute of Telecommunications and Acoustics, Wroclaw University of Technology, Wroclaw, Poland, 1996. (a technical survey in collaboration and for Telekomunikacja Polska S.A. - in Polish).
M. Szymanowski, J. Oko, P. Borowczyk, J. Klink, T. Rutkowski, and D. Grabarczyk, “Analysis and determination of a modem data transmission system between local and central data management centers for patients with pacemakers,” Tech. Rep. SPR #65, Institute of Telecommunications and Acoustics, Wroclaw University of Technology, Wroclaw, Poland, 1995. (a technical survey for the Polish telecommunications regulator - in Polish).
T. M. Rutkowski, “Compression of EKG signals for 24–hours Holter monitoring purposes,” Master’s thesis, Wroclaw University of Technology, Faculty of Electronics, Wroclaw, Poland, 1994. (in Polish)